Drone and GIS technologies nowadays widely used in Roads and Highways for planning, DPR preparation , Cost Analysis, Green field Land acquisition plan and etc., Many countries are constantly faced with high maintenance cost of aging transportation highways. The growth of the motor vehicle industry and accompanying economic growth has generated a demand for safer, better performing, less congested highways. The growth of commerce, educational institutions, housing, and defense has largely drawn from government budgets in the past, making the financing of public highways a challenge. The multipurpose characteristics of highways, economic environment, and the advances in highway pricing technology are constantly changing. Therefore, the approaches to highway financing, management, and maintenance are constantly changing as well. Management of safety is a systematic process that strives to reduce the occurrence and severity of traffic accidents. The man/machine interaction with road traffic systems is unstable and poses a challenge to highway safety management. High accuracy of topographical information and features information are very important in good road alignment design. There are many previous methods used to capture topography information such as manned satellite imagery, radar, LiDAR, and land survey. The Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) is the most important characteristic to be considered during road design. The other information such as elevation and positioning also influences the road design.
1. Highways Corridor Mapping
2. Road Construction monitoring and Mapping
3. Railways Alignment and mapping
4. Rural Roads mapping for connectivity across the nation
5. Bridge Inspection
6. Airfield Level mapping
7. Traffic Analysis
8. Urban Development Roads plan
9. 3D Models of Roads & Proposed Feature Overlay